+ European Network Links naar wetgeving, statistieken, onderzoeken, artikelen, brochures en sensibilisatiemateriaal over geweld en pesten op het werk.
+ IAWBH Welcome to the International Association on Workplace Bullying & Harassment (IAWBH). We are a group who seek to stimulate, generate, integrate and disseminate research and evidence-based practice in the field of workplace bullying and harassment. Through this effort we seek to promote fairness, justice and dignity at work for all. The Association has been founded at a scholarly conference in Montréal in 2008 and has about 170 members from over 20 different countries from as far afield as Australia, Canada, India, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, South Africa, Saudia Arabia, United Arab Emirates, United States and Europe.
+ mobbing in USA
+ mobbingencyclopedia Informatiesite van wijlen psychiater en onderzoeker Leymann
+ Wikipedia Informatie over mobbing op Wikipedia.